The wait is over, it took until Thursday night for The Replacements to finally make their S32 debut. They say good things come to those who wait, that isn’t always the case I mean look at Jar Jar Tips. Any who lets breakdown how we got here. A1Freak was announced as a capt, but had to back out due to scheduling conflicts so @the-thomahawk stepped up as the replacement captain. Hence the team name.

Opening night opponent for the Replacements is the Mighty Deks captained by 239 rookie captain @chandler4911. Lets get meet the teams.

LW – KnifeVet22 (rookie debut)

C – GannabisIVXX (coming off the bench, playing out of position and just being horny to play hockey)

RW – x mR aNdersoN o and LD – Young Kelch (239’s very own proclaimed Bash Bros)

RD – Reep14 (Still bad at Chess)

G – The Thomahawk. The Captain. The Dumbass.

Since it is the first series of the season we are going to hype up the guys on the bench for this one as well. i dragxn l and DisneyIsGreedy (the expected guys MIA guys)

The unexpected MIA guy left is Beliveau, who was out chasing pussy. We are sad to report it didn’t go as good as the series did.

Vs The Mighty Deks

Bar Down – Chandler – Fraqqside (R)
Fatal – Two Accurate

Game 1
This felt like a sparring match… punch, counter punch. Mixed with Thomahawk letting a soft shortside shot in. In the end though KnifeVet GO FAST! Hat trick in his 239 Debut. Hats off to the kid, pun intended.
Final Score: 3-2 The Replacements
Game 2

Final Score: 3-1 Them Flying V mothafuckas

Game 3
Up to this point in the series Ando had zero goals, so I simply just told him the only thing I knew would get him going. “Ando, don’t score”…. Insert x Mr Auston Matthewson o! The Mighty Deks had no answer to stop this mad man on a mission. Double hatty for the Ando.
Final Score: 6-2 The Replacements
Live look at Anderson vs Deks the entire 3rd game

GGs to the Might Deks, that team will give teams fit especially if they can’t play defense. Look at their matchup vs Lemanski if you need a reminder. Lippy played amazing tonight and had the highlight of the night with a split save that stunned all 12 ppl in the game. There offense comes at you fast, they could surprise some people this szn. But in the fashion of a true writeup, GG (Get Gooder)

3 Stars of the night!
1st – KnifeVet22 4G, 6A added 17 hits just because he felt like it
2nd – Mr Anderson 6G, 2A, unlimited whispering
3rd – Pussy! Without it Gannabis doesn’t get his shot to play C and win 62.3% on the FOs
The Thomahawk won a series as a captain. Admins 1 – Bod Handicap Haters 0
239 as always I love you fuckers. As is my tradition now I will not leave yall without a song in the writeup, this is what The Replacements had bumping before the series