Better late than never, I suppose. I promised the boys that I would give them a write up if we got a sweep, so I have to deliver even with multiple technical issues to work out. Psychotic Break takes on Odd’s Wildlings. Going into the game, we haven’t ever played with Terry, not even in a warmy, so what would the flow look like?
Psychotic Break
Lw Terry

C Sando

RW Rocko

LD Vetts

RD Kin

G Weazle

LW Schemmm

C Dutchy

RW Sober

LD Energizer

RD Odd

G Goog

Game 1:
First couple periods are close, going into the third it is a 2-2 tie. Wildlings keep taking penalties, eventually it bites them. Psychotic break pulls away with a pretty easy 5-2 win. Terry with a hatty in his first ever action on ice with the team.
Game 2:
Not much to say here, except total domination. Scoreboard only shows 4-0, but TOA and all other relevant stats are heavily in favor of psychotic break. Wildlings continue to take penalties.
Game 3:
Noticing that there is a lineup change for Wildlings, Adam is in for energizer. Wildlings start the first period with a couple great scoring chances but weazle shuts them down on great back to back saves. After this, I don’t think Wildlings even get back in the offensive zone. It gets ugly. 3 goals in the first and 2 more goals halfway through the 2nd.

Immediately after the 5th goal, spinny circles in the top right and laughs all around as it is presumed that Goog is out of this bitch. Speaking with odd, “he lagged out. Internet problems.” We decide to call it early to end their misery.
Three stars:
3rd: Psychotic Break forward line, in sync and with many pretty plays, lots of points.
2nd: Weazle with 2 shut outs, has now given up 7 goals in 6 games.
1st: Energizer, with 800 penalties and easy zone entries, couldn’t have done it without you buddy.
I foresee some interesting moves being made by the Wildlings and 239 Administration!