Well… Well… Well… I’m back for the first time since the Writeup that rattled the entire 239 community. So before I begin with this writeup I’d like…

This is 239 Hockey, where we play hockey in our community for fun and get to chirp one another. If a writeup hurts your feelings instead of make you laugh then rearrange your mindset.


Okay I can finally get into real hockey stuff. This matchup was with the two teams with the highest plus minus in the league. Should be a good matchup, only one thing anyone on either team would logically do right?

Sando Sparkz wanted no part of this ass whoopin and hit the links instead. Which means the season debut of Gayla who fills in at RW. Did he score?

Yall know the routine… let’s meet the lineups

LW: KnifeVet and RW: Ando

C: Dragxn
(he was a bad boy tonight, Thommy wanted to give him spankings)

LD: Young Kelch
(had gala on my side so I just watched the Dallas playoff game)

RD: Reep

G: Thomahawk

Vs Psychotic Break
Matt4for4 – Sexy Rocko – Gala
Dvetts – Kin Dange

Game 1
Ando scores twice, Reep and Dragon add one each as well. Thommy doesn’t score this time, but he does pickup a shutout. EZ Clamps.
Final Score: 4-0 The Sound of Mind Replacements

Game 2
More of the same, Bing Bong! Knife joins the fun and scores a pair, Ando does as well. Matt4for4for4for4for4for4 ruins the SO though because he was trippin balls.
Final Score: 4-1 The Replacement Pharmacy
(live look at Matt after the game)

Game 3
This game wasn’t as easy. I wanted to get off this damn game and yet we had to try a tad. Uno, Dos, Tres. The Boys light the lamp and secure the sweep.
Final Score: 3-2 the team Gala didn’t play for

GGs Dvetts and co. Yall will be a top seed no doubt. I’m sure we will see you down the road, but until then

3 Stars of the night
1. Thomahawk 3-0, .925 sv%
2. Dvetts for not being a fucking pussy
3. Gala for being an easy clamp
Before I even finished this writeup Dvetts sent gala packing in a trade, thanks to Rocko he sent me this insider video of their captain getting him out of the team discord.

The Replacements only had one series this week. Back at it again sometime next week, idk Thommy doesn’t tell us shit. BUT with thommy winning you know what I gotta mention?
Admins 4 – BOD Handicap haters 0
239 I love yall, don’t think anything else honestly. I might be a cone on the ice, an obnoxious admin at times, the constant pinging on your phone when we need capts BUT I ALWAYS LOVE YOU! Now in my tradition I’ll leave you all with a song to wrap up the writeup… this time i’m just going with what song is playing on my playlist atm i’m typing this, hope you enjoy.