Well well well look who’s back baby. Another banger is coming your way, this time against the snake team also known as Allegedly at Epstein Island.
This is the team when asked to reschedule simply said no because they knew a couple guys on my team couldn’t make it. That’s pretty lame that you’re scared in a virtual hockey league lol. Plenty of days on the schedule to fit us in but NOOOOOOO. Shitgun has to be a scared little pussy and say NO! It’s okay friend, we swept you anyway.

If you guys haven’t already tuned in, TOZO swept Shitguns team tonight, and it was pretty easy to be honest. I mean they’re in last place hahahahahah. Imagine being in last lol. Imagine being that bad as a team lol. Imagine imagining lol. Imagine not winning games hahaha. Imagine having a write up done before the series even starts lololololol.

Game one went as expected, just domination. Sejje did what he does best and turns the puck over about 25 times to lead the league in turnovers and the other inbreds on shitguns team just had to deal with getting fucked in the ass by TOZO. Final score idk we can say it was 5-1.

Game two was a bit closer because the EA gods had to gift a team that doesn’t deserve to score a couple goals. But TOZO doesn’t really give a shit and still won the game to close out the series win. Final score was 4-2.

Game 3 was pretty exciting. After being dominated and having no answers at all for the TOZO attack, shitguns team basically gave up and conceded defeat as TOZO completes the sweep. Finals score was 7-2.

Some series notes:
- Shitgun next time reschedule the series out of good faith instead of trying to finesse a couple wins in 239. It ain’t worth it bud.
- TOZO is absolutely rolling now having 10/12 points this week.
- Sejje im always gonna clamp you. Just tell your captain you’re busy next time.
- TOZO is a problem. Enough said.
