The Replacements weren’t shooting blanks… lay to rest Pale, Rat and the boys

Where should we begin? Let set the table shall we… Semi finals, 4 teams remain in contention for the 239 Belt. Pale as the #1 seed gets to pick his opponent. No chance he would fuck that up right?

Picking the #2 seed… Bold strategy cotton!

I mean hey they did beat us in the regular season 2-1 when we played our worst series of the season. As a matter of fact lets flashback to that time (Sapper Le’s writeup)

oof… that didn’t age well

So night 1… our weekly plan was thrown out the window before it even began. Disney was set to play games 1-4, BUT he was MIA most likely working on a way to undermine the entire Disney business structure to take them down once and for all. So last minute Thommy makes a last minute lineup change


LW: KnifeVet22 (he gonna cook you)

C: Dragon (fresh off covid ready for war)

RW: Gannabis (randomly thrown into another series, we love this guy)

LD: Young Kelch (extra motivated to win this series)

RD: Reep (Norris finalist)

G: Thommy (questioning why he’s a CBJ fan)

(ft pale and co as seen below)

Sniper – Pale – Kabz
Killzone – Sapper le

Game 1

The boys were trying but the offense wasn’t clicking. Loss 3-2

Game 2

rinse and repeat. Loss 2-0.

Now it makes sense why Sapper le and Killzone always were typing #FreeGanny they wanted to play him in the playoffs as it would be the only way they could win. Embarrassing!

Thommy wouldn’t stand for that behavior and he pulled the plug and went to the drawing board to figure this out since we were still without Disney. Lineup changes… Reep to RW, Kelch to RD and

LD: Beliveau (seen below is him to Kabz)

Beliveau (aka as Bo or Beli) joined the party hype AF. He jolts the team with a quick comment. LETS GO LOCK THESE FUCKERS DOWN!

Game 3

Pure domination. From start to finish. Beli had Rat on clamps. Shooting Blanks were dead in the water. They couldn’t enter, they couldn’t do anything. LOCKED DOWN!

Final Score: 4-0 (they only had 5 shots the entire game)

Lets check on Raterle throughout gm3

Game 4
If you thought this game would be any different you were mistaken. Absolute PWNage (pun intended) everyone except myself scored on TR side of things…. while the SB boys managed only another 5 shots all game. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH how pathetic! This was the top seed?

Beli was hype literally screaming during the series each time Kabz tried to enter on him and he was snuffed out. The top scorer in the league went silent.

Final Score: 4-0 Replacements

Postgame with Rat again?

Night 1 comes to an end series tied 2-2

You think that was bad for Kabz just wait it gets worse.

Game 5
Comes with some lineup changes Sniper is replaced on LW for SB by Choco Brown because of what I can only imagine would have been Pale yelling at him “you’re getting locked down by Kelch”. As for The Replacements knife has played his 4 games so he comes out and Dragon moves to LW, Reep moves from RW to C and enter this new guy.

RW: Mr Anderson (other half of the bash bros)

Game 5

This is where it gets embarrassing for Kabz… The Art Ross winner, The Rocket Richard winner, The Finalist for the Hart trophy was soooooooooo scared of Beli that off every single puck drop instead of playing RW like he has all season he would skate the other side of the ice to try entering on the other side the entire game to avoid Beli (lets all take a moment to point and laugh at his cowardness)

On top of that it didn’t even work. I just watched Beli clamp you for 120 straight minutes of game time last night I knew what to do. If you haven’t voted on awards yet, be sure to keep this in mind on the Hart voting bc YIKES!!!!

Final Score: Replacements win and Tail tucked between legs Rat loses

Before we move to game 6 lets flash back to the writeup done by Sapper le once more.

Another OOF! Killzone it might be time to uninstall. At least you can finally try in mlb S2 amirite?

Game 6
Reep takes 2 pims they score on both which is why this game was tied going into overtime. Don’t worry he makes up for it with this beautiful spin pass to Dragon who sends the top seed packing.

I’m putting the link to the bales clip in case the video above didn’t work

Final Score: 5-4 The Replacements

Series over, The Replacements win 4-2 to Eliminate the Shooting Blanks. Seems that bold strategy didn’t pan out too well for them boys.

3 stars of the series
1. Beliveau for the EZ Clamps on Rat
2. Pale for picking us
3. The team as a whole for being selfless and doing whatever was needed to win

Ando N Kelch proved one thing winning this series.

Bash Bros > Real Bros

GGs to Shooting Blanks, it was a good season for you guys. Got a lot of good dudes over there I can’t even lie. Jsquad you a fucking monster, and my pick for the Vezina (fuck thommy). Pale stop nominating yourself for the Selke. Sniper you stink. Choco you’re a gem. Rat stay in your cage. Poole brothers, its all love don’t go FDM Kill on me now.

Now 239 its time to honor another fallen team and lay them to rest. Cause of death for the Shooting Blanks was choking a 2-0 semi finals series lead. RIP

Before I get to my closing song… everyone join in with me in sending these fine gentlemen to their S32 resting place

Finals begins next week. It will be Thommy vs Dvetts. Two deserving teams, be sure to check it out on bales stream. May the best team win. 239 I love you all.

Now as I do, here is the outro song. This one is dedicated to Beli for how he went at Kabz all series