Hello beautiful people of 239. This is the leader of TOZO and I want to set the record straight here regarding my whereabouts on a certain night that I allegedly was on a plane with a certain team partying up. I wasn’t. This is all fake news. I have way more important things to worry about than partying on a plane with Young Kelch and his teammates. It didn’t happen, it will never happen. I can’t risk being in public without my trusted team beside me.

With that being said, this is a reformed write up. There’s no attacks, there’s no trash talk, there’s no beef. No one was caught in a crossfire of bombs and gunfire. There weren’t any injuries reported or any buildings collapsing. Just GGs.

First series was against the Dumpstars captained by the absolute beauty of a guy name Kabz. Raterle is an offensive term and we should all recognize that it could upset Kabz sometimes and name calling is not cool guys. Let’s give the man some respect and love one another. We are all humans and we should show each and every one of us love and compassion and respect. Kabs deserves better from us. He captains for 239 and puts together solid squad after solid squad and we would have one team less if he didn’t captain. Like that’s a great thing he does here for us.

This series was a very close and well fought out battle in which TOZO got the best of Kabz amazing team and edged out a well deserved 2-1 series victory. Dumpstars is a team name I wish was changed because it could offend people here and we should be aware of other peoples feelings. Our opponents battled really fierce and they played a great game and series. They showed heart and determination after losing a close game one and managed to win another amazingly close game 2 before just barely losing game 3.

All in all this series was very fun to play and I have nothing but respect and compassion for Kaberle and his amazing Dumpstars team. Kaberle and I mutually agreed to a server selection and password and respected each other throughout the series and it was a really nice 239 experience for the boys and I. I can’t say enough nice things about the Treasure Trove Stars. Just class players and I really enjoyed my Tuesday night just hanging with friends and playing this game we love.

Wednesday night brought on another great captain in Kin Dange alone with his fellow Dumb Blind Zebras team. I don’t like this team name because dumb is offensive and I think that they are a very smart and intellectual type team that deserves to be called a much happier team name than this. Shame on 239 for allowing these guys to rep this team name and not thinking how this might hurt some peoples feelings along the way. I hope one day we can live in a world of peace and love and no name calling and just love everything about the life we are living.

The series resulted in a series sweep for TOZO. The boys were buzzing and I’m so proud to be the captain of this truly remarkable bunch of 239 beauties. They make me so happy and proud and I was crying tears of joy by how the boys battled another tough series vs an even tougher opponent.

My hats go off to the Smart 20/20 vision Zebras because they fought hard and played a series to remember. They never gave up, they never stopped fighting, they never quit. These guys are the definition of what 239 is all about. Kin Dange is a smart, respected member of this 239 community and I honestly wish one day I can be a player on his team.

GGs filled the chat after both series and it was a great sight to see. Just a community that loves and respects each other. Just think about this, there are civil wars and starving people in this world and we get to sign onto our systems and play a great game developed by another stellar company and play with a community that is the epitome of great video game hockey. I mean what could be better?

Great series to both my opponents. TOZO will play 3 series next week to end this incredible season and await the potential playoff matchups. I’m really excited and looking forward to it and I hope everyone has an amazing rest of the week. I hope everyone in 239 can experience some happiness in their day to day adventures and drown out the hate. Love one another, believe in each other, respect one another, help one another. Peace and love to all. Love you all and this is TOZO leader wishing you all the best.